Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Latin Mass

"The Most Beautiful Thing This Side of Heaven" has come to SJB.

"If there is anything divine among man's possessions which might excite the envy of the citizens of heaven (could they ever be swayed by such a passion), this is undoubtedly the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, by means of which men, having before their eyes, and taking into their hands the very Creator of heaven and earth, experience, while still on earth, a certain anticipation of heaven. How keenly, then, must mortals strive to preserve and protect this inestimable privilege with all due worship and reverence, and be ever on their guard lest their negligence offend the angels who vie with them in eager adoration!"
--Pope Urban VII (1634)

The first Traditonal Latin Mass at SJB was celebrated on the First Sunday of Lent by our very own Fr. Philip, who wore a violet Roman Fiddleback Vestment and the Norbertine white biretta.

The church pews were all filled and some had to stand in the back. Some had the Latin-English Order of the Mass from Una Voce booklet, while others had their very own versions, and some either shared or not have any books to follow the Mass by. With the booklets and the missalettes, the Latin Mass let us become more focus and aware on what is really going on during the Mass. It let us know when to sit, kneel, and stand throughout the Mass. It let us learn the responses in Latin and understand the unique prayers being said in the mass, even when they are not said aloud. It also points out the celebrant detailed gestures at the altar because the we are not able to see them.

The reverence shown by all the faithful during the Mass was admirable. The way the silence was kept during the Canon of the Mass, let the faithful be still and breathless as the bells are rung during the consecration. It inspires others to be attentive and keep reverence during Mass. The communion process, though was slow, gave us more time to pray fervently and diligently.

The SJB Choir was astonishing in making the Latin Mass sound beautifully. The Altar Servers were careful in how they assisted Fr. Philip before the altar.

The Latin Mass is sure to be one of the most beautiful and meaningful for SJB.

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